James Hardie
Stucco Hardipanel Siding Installation Project |
Chesterfield, MO (63017)
Project Name:
HardiePanel Stucco Siding Project
Project Location:
Chesterfield, MO (63017)
Main Siding:
James Hardie Panel Siding
Siding PRofile:
Stucco Panel H25
Siding Color:
Custom Tan Color
Corner Trim:
6 inch HardieTrim – Custom Color
Window Trim:
6 inch HardieTrim – Custom Color
Accent Siding:
Batten Strips
Accent Siding Color:
Custom Dark Brown Color
Fascia Materials and Color:
Painted existing fascia
(Custom Dark Brown Color)
(Custom Dark Brown Color)
Soffit Materials and Color:
Painted existing soffit
(Custom Dark Brown Color)
(Custom Dark Brown Color)
Decorative Options:
Custom built columns